Monday, March 5, 2012

Bombshell! Greece's Secret Wealth Can Mean Real Prosperity, Not Austerity

I took an airport limousine home after a wonderful vacation in Cuba, one of the last bastions uninfected by debt and private central banking. The driver had the tell-tale accent of a Greek 'Dad' who had left his country’s shores long ago so, as I always do, I engaged my fellow compatriot in discourse. We got to talking and I found that he was extremely aware and enlightened – and opened my eyes to Greece’s true value.

While I had heard that Greece had some oil, I assumed that it was a limited amount of the difficult-to-access deep sea variety, and not of any real consequence. However, my driver told me that it was a vast quantity of easily drillable oil – on par with the biggest reserves in the world – and so when I arrived home I began researching. I came across this video that absolutely every Greek at home or abroad MUST view: Youtube

Have you viewed it? If not please go back. There. Are you mad yet? Well you better be!

As we neared my home, the discussion I had with the enlightened driver turned to former president Papandreou. We concluded that he could only be the dumbest Greek to have ever walked the streets of Athens or the most sinisterly corrupt to have done so. Which one was it?

At precisely 5:19 of the following video we had our answer: Video

But he did not act alone. Even in the official International Energy Agency paper 2010 it is the official global position that "Greece does not have significant natural reserves of crude oil and very little indigenous oil production (some 1 kb/d in 2009)."

“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous, he cannot believe it exists."

- J. Edgar Hoover

While we counseled in 2010 that the cocktail of austerity and IMF banker bailouts would not solve anything and simply worsen the situation, the talking heads prevailed. Using fear of the unknown, Papandreou, at the time, said it would be a "catastrophe" if the austerity was not approved and the IMF bailout funds were not taken. He was absolutely right; he just didn't say for whom it would be catastrophic.

The road was always going to be difficult for the people, but had the bailouts not been taken and had bankruptcy been the path, the sacrifices would have been for Greece and all of its citizens. But as it stands now, it was a catastrophe looming for the big banks, multinationals, power brokers, Greek elites and all the other sinister criminals that was truly averted. After all, what a shame it would have been for the chosen ones to have had to share Greece's natural riches with all of the Greek minions. Better to crush them, and let them starve in the streets while the country and its oil were sold off for pennies on the dollar to pay back “their” debts.

It has always been the Greek way to perform nobly, but at the last minute. Make no mistake that we are at the precipice and while the past several years have been a tragic waste every Greek life, present and future, depends on what happens NOW. Act and Greek roads can be paved with gold; Fail to act and you, your kids and all their kids will be slaves washing the dust filled streets so that your master’s leather shoes can be clean as they dine on your inheritance. The road must be paved today for a man to give the speech I wrote for Papandreou (link) or that will be the true Catastrophe.

Please send this to every Greek you know and insist that they do the same. Yia Tin Elada!!!!

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