Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Speech Papandreou Should Be Giving

Mr. Papandreou,

I have taken the liberty of writing 'your' speech. It is, however, one that only a true leader can make. Given the urgency of the situation Greece now finds itself in, it is a choice you can ponder only briefly. But I tell you this – make this speech and history will remember you. Choose not to, and you will be just another goat along with those who have had their fingerprints all over this disaster. And if you do not have the courage to make it now, someone else might have to do it later– and your cowardice will only mean Greece will have to suffer and struggle longer for its freedom.

Jason Evdoxiadis

My People,

As I look around, I see that the ancestors of Alexander haven risen up, as they have on so many occasions in our history, and are resolutely telling the global bankers and their interests OXI! Demonstrators fill the city streets, demanding that their voices be heard. The proudest nation on the planet has been awakened!

In our crisis, as always, it is the people who are expected to pay. Pay for the failures of the ill-advised Eurozone, the greed of international banks, and of course, the stupidity and short-sightedness of Greece’s own corrupt oligarchy.

I think my people will happily pay. But only if in return, Greece is compensated fairly for all we have given to the world. Our royalties for creating the greatest political system that has ever existed, and is now considered a barometer of civilization and human rights. How about our mathematics, architecture, civil engineering, and philosophy? The foundations for modern medicine?

Let us also speak of more modern history. Give back our Parthenon marbles – and all other precious, stolen pieces of our culture! And where else is our gold, stolen by the Nazis, but sitting in German depositories?

With the throngs before me now, and having the voice of a nation telling me ENOUGH... I now have the strength to say OXI OXI OXI.

Our offer is nothing...not a drachma! We will pay when they pay us back 100-fold!

I would like to thank the German people for making it that much easier for us. It is not the German people, however, that we are saying no to. They were sold the same propaganda that we ourselves, not long ago, were ready to accept. It is the "farmer's fault" – the same farmer who wakes up at 5am to make sure we have food on our tables. "It is the government bureaucrats fault" – the same worker who was given a job to do and does it. "It is the tax evader's fault" – the same tax evader who saw his government wasting his money needlessly and willing to take, but give little back in return.

The greedy and corrupt bankers sat back, and through their media pawns, tried to make it all the working man's fault...the man who goes to work and tries desperately to make ends meet so he can feed his family while the banker, who adds nothing to society, decides which luxury car to drive to work – the same car that the common German man toiled to build, who to struggles with the same challenges of putting food on his table.

We are at a crossroads in this great country’s history and I know we will do the right thing...united we will flourish!

We have told the rest of the world no. We must now say yes to Greece!

We were nearly divided by the media rhetoric and by the pressure we were put under, but we did not break! We boldly rose up...we have won the battle...but a war, however still rages. We have a great opportunity to opportunity to create a glorious future for our children and their children and all the children to be born in Greece for a thousand years to come!

When I sat and listened to all that was wrong in Greece from various leaders and intellectuals, I could only think to myself that they were correct in their assertions. Greece has long been broken by meson, fakela, scandal, corruption, inefficiency and a willingness to blame our neighbour.

The scourge has not been fully vanquished. We will now enter a painful period and will be measured by history on how we react. Of course, we could all step back and go off to our fishing villages or our old way and the world will say "look at those Greeks...still as backward as ever...we were right…they were deadbeats". The scourge is now from within. We must purge ourselves of it, alone...united!

We must no longer fall back on old excuses, for change we must. Many of the austerity measures that were to be imposed on us were prudent – only now if we impose them on ourselves WE will reap the benefits, and all future generations will reap the benefits. Our toil, hard work and innovation will line our streets with gold and not the pockets of those who sought to bleed Greece.

It was with German discipline that we recently experienced the pride of glorious victory in the sporting arena. Think back to what it felt the pride we shared as a nation. It is with that same discipline that we must approach this far greater challenge in this far vaster arena, in this far more critical pursuit.

We are only now discovering how our ancestors were able to build the Parthenon with such grace and precision. Never doubt that each one of us has those traits in our blood, coursing through our veins! I know that we can do great things and once again regain our seat as the forerunners in the world, a model of excellence for all men to behold. When we leave here we must leave with the knowledge that it is ON all of our backs and IN all of us to strive for the perfection that has lain dormant for so many centuries.

When you go back to your jobs tomorrow...your shops, factories or desks…you must go with the fortitude of a Greek and with the altered perception that all you do and all the sacrifices you make are for the restoration of Greece – and for your neighbours, your community, and your children! We must never again ask what is being done for ME – for if we all act together, all the ME's will be taken care of.

We will require bold leadership and resolute convictions. If you applaud me I will work tirelessly to foster a society where hard work, higher morality, ethics, prudence and innovation are rewarded and where sloth, corruption, theft and selfishness are punished! From now, on the fruits of what we accomplish will be ours and no one will take them away. Not the snakes from outside...or within!

Turn to your neighbour and pledge an oath "for the glory of Greece."

Zito Ellas! Zito Ellas!

Don't miss my previous two posts on Greece's turmoil:

The Time for Greek Unity is Now!

Greeks Beware of High-Pressure Sales Tactics


  1. Great piece Jason- as usual shall I say
    You/he might have added:
    “…the OVERT INFRINGEMENTS ON GREEK SOVEREIGNTY we’re witnessing today, with EU policy makers now double-checking all national data and carefully “monitoring” the work of the Greek government sets a dangerous precedent… […] After having watched the other way while countries such as Greece, Ireland and Spain run their deficits to dangerously high levels, EU CENTRAL BANKERS NOW WANT TO IMPOSE HARSH DEFLATIONARY POLICIES ON ATHENS, Dublin and Madrid in the form of “corrective policies” such as drastic austerity measures and substantially higher taxes, A RECIPE FOR ECONOMIC DECLINE AND SOCIAL UNREST FOR YEARS TO COME… Even though Stoicism, as a school of thought was born in Greece, I don’t think the people of Greece should swallow this bitter pill…”
    Here is the original material used in my Vienna Review article:

    In essence, earlier this week, the EU kleptocracy (Berlin, the Frankfurt-based ECB and their minions) decided to lend 110 billion euros to itself (think HypoVereinsbank) - advertising its fake disbursement as an “act of generosity towards Athens”!

    Today, institutional investors and traders the world over administered a lesson to Fraulein Merkel… and she has seen nothin yet: wait till Greek workers and civil servants (not to mention Philhellenes from Vancouver to Canberra) show her what the fiery andartes can do ;)



  2. MNF...I am less hopeful today that justice will be served. I am thinking that the likelihood of the Greeks going to a black market and pretending to listen is the better probability, this time around. Although Greece no longer makes the front page, I did see that the protests continue in the fleeting news we get here. The reckoning will come but the pain may have been temporarily averted.
