Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Why We Must Fight For Greece

Right now in Greece, countless brave journalists, scholars and patriots are frantically sending out an S.O.S. After spending laborious hours translating their message into English, they are begging and pleading the international media to take note. Something big has happened. Information has just come to light that makes all the pieces of the Greek crisis fall into place. Their cries are desperate, but falling on deaf ears. Will you listen?

As you will see within the pages of this blog, and the important information it links to, what is happening in our homeland is no accident. The Greek “crisis” is also not the result of profligacy, the welfare state, low-level fakela, or Yianni on the island taking cash under the table to avoid taxes. Rather, it is the culmination of a plan – one that has long been kept secret. In fact, it’s hard to see why any Greek should have paid a cent of their earnings in taxes to this disgusting cabal in the first place. I wouldn’t pay a mugger to take my wallet – what about you?

I can think of no better eye-opener than this video – please watch, and send to others:

A light of salvation has appeared for the struggling people of Greece. This has come in the form of revelations that the country has massive, provable reserves of oil, natural gas, rare earths, uranium, and a bounty of other valuable minerals and metals.

The news came as a surprise to the average person - to whom it has always been proclaimed that Greece had only negligible natural wealth - but it has been well-known in certain circles for years. Those circles are of Greece's corrupt generational elites, who have sought to hide this treasure from its rightful owners - namely, the people.

But don't take my word for it. This isn't an opinion - it's cold, hard fact.

In the various articles and videos linked to from this blog, you can read and see the testimony of respected scientists and government officials who were persuaded or ordered not to look deeply into Greek resources. Individuals who were stymied at every pass when they attempted to explore the minerals or metals that were known. And the economists who prove every step of the orchestrated bank, government and corporate fraud that intentionally crashed Greece's economy.

All the proof that any prosecutor could hope for is there.

Greece lies bleeding from the slow, painful death of a thousand cuts. It has been brought to its knees. Why? The same reason why genocidal wars are sparked in Africa. Why anti-democratic military coups are instigated in Central America. Why right now, the Middle East is being inflamed and Balkanized. It’s the old strategy of weakening a country so that its populace will beg for a solution, and allow foreign interests to steal their sovereignty and resources while making the people dependent on the crumbs they drop. What’s happening in Greece is business as usual for the powers that control our globe.

Those who fight it, take risks. But once you understand the brutal game that is being played, can you really close your eyes again?

I can’t, and I take the risk of speaking out to anyone who will listen. I do it because I think about the sweet smell of the flowers walking to the limani from my ancestral home; the home that a German captain took over, 70 years ago, while my grandmother was forced to flee her island.

I take the risk because of the village ladies, armed only with pitchforks, who stood and risked their lives to throw the Italians back into the sea.

I take the risk because I think of my grandfather, who as a young boy, nearly 100 years ago, was forced to march in bare feet hundreds of kilometers into, what is now, Greece proper, from Constantinople with only the clothes on his back.

I take the risk because the economic warfare being waged on Greece is an occupation of a different and more sinister sort and will have our cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents begging for a scrap to eat, if they are not given a voice.

I take the risk because Greece now has the highest suicide rate in Europe (from the lowest) and because I heard that the desperate in Athens are already digging through the garbage to eat.

I take the risk because I can’t turn my back on the enlightened Greeks who are desperately trying to make this information known. What risks are you willing and able to take?

Take the risk of educating yourself and others. Below are links to information that will open your eyes and forever change the way you see the world, and you will understand the purpose behind the devastation being inflicted on our beautiful Greece. Let us stand in solidarity against this tyranny – together, we will shine the light of truth on this web of lies and take back what is ours.

And last, let us remember why we can never stand for such tyranny again:


  1. This is a scandal
    Greece deserves more than the current crop of subservient politicians and the racist slurs coming from Northern Europe and from the IMF’s idiotic Christine Lagarde
    I say bring back the Klephtsand other 19th century patriots, shut down the German embassy in Athens and revert to the drachma
    Let the crooked lender take the loss they deserve!
    N the Cilician

  2. They will take the loss...Question is, is it the poor underclass of Europe who will take the full hit or will the 'thieves' be forced to put it back (banker's, crooked politicians, correupt multinationals and kleptocrats)
