Thursday, March 8, 2012

Who Sold Out Greece? The Answer Is Hidden in Plain View.

As a long-time advisor and former finance minister to George Papandreou, Giorgos Papakonstantinou was at the epicentre of the purported Greek “financial crisis” and the ill-fated acceptance of violent austerity measures. His advice, shall we say, was an unmitigated disaster. Eyebrows should have been raised, then, when this man was reappointed within the new, unelected regime of Brussels toady Lucas Papademos. It was just as the Minister of Energy, however, so what harm could he do there? It’s not like Greece is a major energy player.

Of course, there is far more to the story. As the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Papakonstantinou is not only responsible for the handing over of what’s left of Greek sovereignty to the EU central authority under the guise of “environmental treaties”, he’s also been given the task of privatizing state assets. Such as – surprise, surprise – the country’s vast, untapped, and heretofore unrevealed oil and natural gas reserves (link).

It’s just theft in plain view. Papandreou, Papakonstantinou and their cronies manufactured the urgent “crisis” in order to inflame public sentiment at home and abroad, and then manipulated the fear to institute an established plan to sell off Greece’s wealth, dismantle its weighty social welfare state, and ultimately, sell out their fellow citizens. Problem, reaction, solution. Create the problem, exploit the panicked reaction, and swoop in with a crooked, self-serving solution.

Here is a great analysis of how the “crisis” was manufactured from the ground up: link

Even for those with an economics background, the tale is a Byzantine labyrinth that can be tough to follow. And this lack of understanding can lead to Greeks being reluctant to take a strong position. However, just let the simple facts below fuel your anger.

In one of the country’s last, painful death throes, Greece’s pension funds are getting ready to take a massive hit on their bonds. This means one thing only: Greek pensions will now be stolen. Elderly people in Greece will starve on the streets. Most Greeks will never be able to retire. Greek children are at this moment being abandoned by parents unable to afford them (but maybe they'll be adopted by a nice German family). Food and medicine will become scarce luxuries – for some in the cities, they already are.

Guess what? It's nothing new or shocking, just the same old game played on a different board. This is exactly what has been happening to African, South and Central American and Middle Eastern countries for decades under the IMF and World Bank. See the fantastic book “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” by the former insider economist John Perkins.

Problem, reaction, solution. Create the problem with bad loans, and use the fearful reaction to the crisis to pillage the country for the benefit of the few and eliminate sovereignty. On this path, Greece is GUARANTEED to devolve into a failed state with increased crime, shorter lifespans, and government repression.

This hell on earth is what your homeland has in its future - and it's exactly what the elites want. All of this chaos and suffering, just to line the pockets of a corrupt cabal of oligarchs who masqueraded as “The People’s Party”, and to further a corporatist EU agenda of centralization, privatization, and ultimately, ENSLAVEMENT.

We're almost out of time. Greece's clock is drawing ever nearer to midnight. Rise up, educate yourselves and others, and let your voices of opposition to this theft be heard!

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